Price list
Below you will find my various rates. The product will be delivered on either a CD/DVD or a USB flash drive. Whether photo, video, or audio files, they will be full resolution. Photos will be able to be printed at a MINIMUM of 8.5"X 11", and usually safely printed up to around 24" X 32".

Wedding Photography
Pre Wedding Only................... $125.00
Above+Ceremony.................... $150.00
Above+Post Ceremony.......... $200.00
Above+Reception..................... $400.00
Reception*................................... $500.00*
One to Two Hour Concert............ $200.00
Two to Three Hour Concert ........ $300.00
Music Fest/Various Bands
up to Five Hours ......................... $500.00
Concert Photography
High School Senior Portraits
Prices are the same for "standard" portraits.
5 Portraits* .................................. $75.00
10 Portraits* ............................... $125.00
20 Portraits* ............................... $200.00
Birthday Parties
Band Promo Photos
Same prices as "High School Senior Portraits"
*Extended reception is over 4 hours. Beyond a 5 hour reception is an additional $50/half hour.
* Different settings/locations are possible and encouraged, so long as they are not too far away from each other.
$75/hour at the location. Price includes post processing, etc. I will find the action and capture it. It's okay to admit that children are not the only ones whose birthday parties you would like a photographer at, too!
Basic 5 photos........................................... $100.00
Extended 10................................................ $150.00
Deluxe 20..................................................... $200.00
See some photo examples of some concert photography I have done here
*(See HS Senior Portraits)
*(See HS Senior Portraits)
***Add a Video Slideshow to any Wedding, Concert, or 20 Portrait package for an additional $100. See example slideshows here: Video Reel!